Mario Codognato, Dehlia Hannah, Nadim Samman
Orogenesi is the culmination of two years of Cerqueira Leite's research on Pompeii and the ‘calchi,’ the plaster cast bodies excavated in this world-famous archeological site. The artist connects these to both Martha Graham’s modern choreography and to NASA's space exploration. The show premiers new sculptures that are displayed in the iconic Villa dei Papiri rooms in the National Archaeological Museum, Naples, Italy. Investigating both ancient and recent pasts through disparate narratives, Cerqueira Leite stitches together a timeline of her own making. At the centre of the exhibition is her own body pushed to its physical limits, acting as a metaphor for psychological and politicised states of being. The volume was published on the occasion of the exhibition Orogenesis/Orogenesi by Juliana Cerqueira Leite held at MANN, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, Naples, in 2019. The publication includes an Introduction by Mario Codognato and an essay by Dehlia Hannah & Nadim Samman.
YEAR: 2019
LANGUAGE: English/Italian
PRICE: 22.50 GBP